Simulating the council-specific impact of anti-malaria interventions: a tool to support malaria strategic planning in Tanzania

Published in PLoS ONE, 2020

Runge, M., Snow, R.W., Molteni, F., Thawer, S., Mohamed, A., Mandike, R., Giorgi, E., Macharia, P.M., Smith, T.A., Lengeler, C., Pothin, E., 2020. Simulating the council-specific impact of anti-malaria interventions: A tool to support malaria strategic planning in Tanzania. PLoS ONE 15, e0228469.

The OpenMalaria model of malaria dynamics was calibrated for all 184 councils in mainland Tanzania using data from malaria indicator surveys, school parasitaemia surveys, entomological surveillance, and vector control deployment data. The methodology reported in this work is based on intensive interactions with the NMCP and provides a helpful tool for assessing the feasibility of country specific targets and for determining which intervention stratifications at sub-national level will have most impact. This country-led application could support strategic planning of malaria control in many other malaria endemic countries.

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